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100% pro-life. Jay has led the way in protecting the lives of the unborn. He was a leader in the passage of the Fetal Heartbeat law and has contributed his time and finances to the pro-life cause.

Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights. The state legislature failed to pass constitutional carry legislation protecting our right to bear arms. In just his first term, Jay and the Freedom Caucus fought to the end and South Carolina is now a constitutional carry state.

Protecting children from the radical transgender agenda. While other red states were protecting minors from undergoing gender transition surgery and irreversible medications, South Carolina lagged behind. Jay and his colleagues put on the pressure and our state finally passed legislation banning these procedures.

Fighting woke education indoctrination in our schools. Not only has Jay been a leader in fighting against radical Marxist teaching like Critical Race Theory and Gender Ideology, he has led the charge to get it out of our very own District Five schools.

Getting DEI out of Higher Education. Thanks to Jay fighting to rid our colleges and universities of Marxist Diversity, Equity and Inclusion on the Higher Education Subcommittee, the state house passed legislation banning DEI.

Championing school choice for families. While South Carolina has fallen behind other states in giving families options for education, Jay has helped pass multiple pieces of legislation as a member of the Education committee AND he has protected families from government school mandates if they choose their own path to educate their children.

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