Jay believes that every South Carolinian's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness doesn't end in the case of an emergency. Everybody deserves the right to prosper and move freely without immoral forced vaccination and masking. Businesses should never be forced to close their doors again and there is no such thing as a non-essential worker. Jay will continue to fight for the rights of all citizens of District 85!
Standing up to Federal Overreach
The Biden administration has encroached every day into the lives of South Carolinians. Jay will keep fighting for South Carolinians, against the failed policies of Washington Democrats, and the swamp.
Banning Critical Race Theory
The equal treatment of all Americans is the ethos of our country. All students and employees deserve to be a part of our society without being taught that they are inherently racist. Our history can be taught accurately without stigmas being assigned based on the color of skin.
Protecting Women's Sports
Women's sports have grown in our country, and we cannot allow biological men to encroach on women's sports. Saying you are a woman does not change your genetic, physical advantages in the sports arena. Jay will fight for women's sports, to be for biological women only. From Kindergarten through college!
Putting Parents in Charge
Parents are the primary stakeholders of their children, not government. Parent's rights trump school policies. Schools must be transparent on what is taught in classrooms. Pornographic material has no place in schools, and young children should not be subjected to gender ideology. South Carolina families deserve to use their tax dollars to provide the best education possible for their children, regardless of zip code, and chosen educational avenues.
Ensuring Election Integrity
A group of volunteers canvassed the largest counties in South Carolina to verify votes from the 2020 election. The canvass showed high numbers of deceased voters, voters using addresses that were not homes, people who said they did not vote, voters who were ineligible, and many other suspicious and illegal occurrences. We must audit the 2020 election, and tighten up our election laws to ensure our elections are run legally and fairly!
Suspend the Gas Tax
It's impossible to predict the future. But what we do know, is that the pattern under the Biden administration's disastrous policies, cause prices to continuously rise. South Carolina must do all it can to counteract the Biden agenda by providing tax relief. Suspending the gas tax will provide the immediate relief South Carolinians need.
Fiscal Accountability
South Carolina has routinely racked up a large surplus. We must ensure we are spending tax dollars wisely and provide tax relief when we run a large surplus. Jay wants to pull the pork out of our outrageous budgets!
Protecting Life
Every life is a gift from God and a baby's life begins at conception. Jay has been an annual sponsor of Daybreak Ministries and Christian pro-life ministry A Moment of Hope. Jay will do everything possible to protect life at all stages and has sponsored legislation to do so. Including the South Carolina Heart Beat bill which is now Law!
Protecting life also includes the lives who have been destroyed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Patients have a right to try life-saving treatments. Hospitals must allow patients the right to try these treatments instead of being left on their deathbeds as has been the case for hundreds of thousands of Americans. Pharmacists CANNOT override doctors who prescribe treatments for their patients and Jay will ensure South Carolinians are given the right to make medical decisions to protect themselves.
Fighting for the 2nd Amendment
While other Republican states are passing constitutional carry legislation, South Carolina's legislature was falling behind on the issue. Through the work of Jay and his allies, South Carolina has finally joined the ranks of states that are constitutional carry! Jay is 100% committed to continue protecting our 2nd Amendment rights.